Choose a forestry area to view content offered.
- Biomass (38)
- CANUSA (33)
- Chemistry/Fluid Dynamics (5)
- Climate (63)
- Climate Change (48)
- Composites (15)
- Conservation Issues (117)
- Cooperative Forestry Research Unit (CFRU) (39)
- Deer Wintering Areas (13)
- Dwight B. DeMeritt Forest, UMaine (10)
- Economic Issues (148)
- Education/Communication (28)
- Emerging Technologies (68)
- Exotic Species (11)
- Family Forests (9)
- Forest Biodiversity (36)
- Forest Carbon (59)
- Forest Ecology (195)
- Forest Health (480)
- Forest Management (763)
- Forest Models/Measurements (359)
- Forest Pathology/Disease (13)
- Forest Pests (129)
- Forest Pests: Spruce Budworm (981)
- Forest Policy/Economics (133)
- Forest Products (152)
- Forest Regeneration (175)
- Forest Resources and Trends (148)
- Forest Soils (106)
- Forest Sustainability Certification (4)
- Forest Wildlife (304)
- Forestry Equipment (8)
- Genetics/Genomics (12)
- Geology (0)
- GIS/Remote Sensing/LiDAR (11)
- Habitat (15)
- Harvesting Techniques (73)
- Herbicides/Herbicide Treatments (22)
- Holt Research Forest (27)
- Human Dimensions (188)
- Invasives (3)
- Land Use (3)
- Logging (86)
- Massabesic Experimental Forest (6)
- Nanomaterials (4)
- Northeastern States Research Cooperative (NSRC) (99)
- NSRC Theme 1 (Sustaining Productive Forest Communities) (51)
- NSRC Theme 2 (Sustaining Ecosystem Health in Northern Forests) (26)
- NSRC Theme 3 (Forest Productivity and Forest Products) (22)
- NSRC Theme 4 (Biodiversity and Protected Area Management) (16)
- Nutrient Cycling (6)
- Ornithology (65)
- Other (130)
- Penobscot Experimental Forest (7)
- Pesticides (132)
- Pesticides: Herbicides (34)
- Pesticides: Insecticides (350)
- Recreation and Tourism (52)
- Silviculture (350)
- Site Quality (14)
- Stand Dynamics (228)
- Sustainability (21)
- Traditional Knowledge/Culture (0)
- Water Health/Aquatic Concerns (131)
- Wood Procurement (9)
Choose a document type to view content offered.
- Article (previously published) (180)
- Book/Book Chapter (9)
- Brochure/Guide (49)
- Conference/Symposium/Meetings Proceedings (148)
- Data & Metadata (36)
- Historical/Archival (272)
- Journal Paper (peer reviewed) (228)
- Maps (15)
- Other (83)
- Poster (11)
- Presentations (53)
- Research Report (734)
- Research Summary (116)
- Review (26)
- Theses/Dissertations (530)
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