An Evaluation of Avian Impact Assessment Techniques Following Broadscale Forest Insecticide Sprays
- Mineau, Pierre
Canadian Wildlife Service - Peakall, David B.
Canadian Wildlife Service
Between 1952 and 1979, some 61 million hectares (or 151 million acres) of eastern North America have been sprayed for the control of the Eastern Spruce Budworm (Choristoneura fumiferana) alone (see Peakall and Bart, 1983). In eastern Canada, this particular control operation has resulted in approximately seven million kg of organochlorine, twelve million kg or organophosphates and one million kg of carbamates being broadcast over Ralsm fir-spruce forests. The area sprayed over the last three decades has been considerably increased. For example, 75% of the total area treated for the Eastern Spruce budworm was sprayed in the 1970s. Given this recent infestation in budworm suppression programs, it is perhaps appropriate to ask about prospects for the future.
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