The Hiawatha National Forest: An Examination of Trust Between Natural Resource Agencies and Local Communities
Problem Addressed: Community relationships
Goal(s)/Objective(s): Capture a range of perspectives on the agency-community relationship between USFS personnel working at HNF and residents living nearby.
Key Findings: Many study participants explained how important it is that the community trusts the agency because of their dependence upon the HNF.
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- Davenport, Mae A.
Southern Illinois University Carbondale - Leahy, Jessica E.
University of Maine - Anderson, Dorothy H.
University of Minnesota - Jakes, Pamela J.
USDA Forest Service North Central Research Station
A sample of residents living in nearby communities and USFS personnel working at HNF were interviewed. Community participants were identified through a network sampling scheme, in which key informants were contacted and asked to provide names of other community members who have a stake in the management of HNF. The sampling plan was designed to capture a range of perspectives on the agency-community relationship. In total, 12 community members and six agency personnel were interviewed during fall 2003 and winter 2004. A UMN researcher conducted all interviews.
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