Strip Clearcutting Did Not Degrade the Site in a Spruce-Fir Forest in Central Maine
- Czapowskyi, Mirsoslaw
USDA Forest Service - Rourke, Robert V
USDA Forest Service - Frank, Robert M.
USDA Forest Service
Changes in the nutrient concentration in the forest floor and in the mineral soil were assessed on a mature spruce-fir stand in Central Maine that had been harvested in 1965 by strip clearcutting. On part of the site, slash was left in place; on other parts it was removed, and on some it was burned. Eight years after the harvest the clearcut areas tended to have increased PH and increased concentrations of bases and percentages of base saturation, but the amounts of N and P were comparable to those in the residual forest. Soil drainage class and differences in parent material were the major sources of variation. there were no significant differences between control and slash-disposal treatments or among treatments. There was no evidence of site degradation from strip clearcutting.
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