Economic Impact of the Spruce Budworm Outbreak in Newfoundland
- Milne, G.R.
Canadian Forestry Service
The forest resource and dependent industries are a major to 1983, 484 300 hectares of productive forest, containing a merchantable softwood volume of 51 million m^3 were damaged by the spruce budworm. During this period, the estimated economic costs associated with the budworm outbreak were $65.0 million in 1983 dollars. Estimated costs of continued salvage logging to 1988 are $23.0 million in 1983 dollars. Expenditures on intensive management programs to increase future wood supplies were $46.8 million during 1972 to 1983. The present value cost in 1983 dollar of rehabilitating the remaining damaged stands could reach $140 million, The long-term impact of the outbreak on wood supplies and the forest environment are difficult to quantify. More research is required.
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