1986 Maine Forest service report of professional forester accomplishments on non industrial private forest ownerships under 1000 acres in size
- Gooley, Walter
Forester, Management and Utilization Division. Maine Forest Service
This is the fifth year that the Maine Forest Service has surveyed professional foresters ti determine the amount of professional work being accomplished on private ownerships under 1,000 acres in size each year. This report is a continuation of the effort. The number of professional foresters surveyed for 1985 accomplishments increased slightly over the previous year. A total of 87 out of 111 private consulting foresters responded to the request for accomplishments and ten out of 10 forest industry tree farm foresters responded for their companies. The accomplishment figures represent approximately 90 per cent of the total accomplishment for consulting foresters considering that 24 did not respond. Most of those who did not respond had indicated no accomplishments in previous years.
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