1979 Project Results and 1980 Spruce Budworm Forecast for Maine
- Trial Jr., Henry
Maine Forest Service
In May and June of 1979 the Maine Bureau of Forestry conducted an aerial spraying program against the spruce budworm on approximately 2.8 million acres. Tree condition in most of the sprayed area was extremely critical following unusually heavy damage in 1978. Barring treatment, some mortality was expected throughout the area classed as high or extreme hazard by the 1978 egg mass and tree condition survey. In several areas of extreme hazard (Telos, Allagash/St. John Valleys, Baker Lake) tree condition was such that lack of treatment or ineffective treatment in 1979 would result in high rates of mortality. Egg mass densities from 1978 surveys indicated populations would be high throughout the 1979 spray area.
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