Threshold Concentration of Aminocarb That Causes Drift of Stream Insects
Goal(s)/Objective(s): Determine the margin of safety for stream invertebrates for Matacil 180 Oil Flowable, a candidate insecticide for the spruce budworm.
Key Findings: For aminocarb in this formulation, the threshold concentration that induces drift is about 30 µg/L.
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- Eidt, D. C.
Canadian Forestry Service - Weaver, C.A.A.
Canadian Forestry Service
We performed a simple field experiment to determine the margin of safety for stream invertebrates for Matacil 180 Oil Flowable, a candidate insecticide for the spruce budworm, Choristoneura fumiferana (Clem.). Matacil 180 Oil Flowable is finely milled aminocarb suspended in summer oil.
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