The Spruce Budworm in Maine in 1951
- Maine Forest Service
- Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Cooperative spruce budworm surveys and research studies were continued in Maine in 1951 by the New Haven station of the Division of Forest Insect Investigations and the Entomology Division of the Maine Forest Service. This report includes information on ground, aerial, and egg mass surveys, special studies of the effect of environment and natural control factors on budworm populations, and rearing of parasites. It also includes a brief summary of an intensive airplane spraying experiment for spruce budworm control conducted during June in Quebec by the Division of Forest Insect Investigations, the Maine Forest Service and the Quebec Bureau of Entomology. A statement is given of budworm conditions in New Hampshire, Vermont, New York, Quebec, and New Burnswick. The ecological and biological studies were continued from the field laboratory at Fort Kent. The rearing of specific budworm parasites was conducted at the Entomology Laboratory of the Maine Forest Service in Augusta.
Maps are included showing where budworm collections were made in 1951, the areas in Maine having noticeable defoliation, and the location of serious infestations in Quebec and New Brunswick.
An appraisal is made of the current status of the spruce budworm in Maine with recommendation for continued surveillance and research in 1952.
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