Sticky-Board Trap for Measuring Dispersal of Spruce Budworm Larvae
Problem Addressed: Spread of spruce budworm larvae.
Goal(s)/Objective(s): Describe a new sticky-board traps for measuring early-larval dispersal of the spruce budworm, Choristoneura fumiferana (Clem.), and evaluates trap-board color and screen versus unscreened traps.
Key Findings: Dispersing spruce budworm larvae showed no preference for trap color; fewer nontarget arthropods were caught ondark-colored than on light-colored traps. Screened traps caught significantly more spruce budworm larvae than unscreened traps, and they were easier to examine.
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- Jennings, Daniel T.
USDA Forest Service - Houseweart, Mark W.
University of Maine
Describes a new sticky-board traps for measuring early-larval dispersal of the spruce budworm, Choristoneura fumiferana (Clem.), and evaluates trap-board color and screen versus unscreened traps. Dispersing spruce budworm larvae showed no preference for trap color; fewer nontarget arthropods were caught ondark-colored than on light-colored traps. Screened traps caught significantly more spruce budworm larvae than unscreened traps, and they were easier to examine.
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