Silviculture and the Spruce Budworm in Maine
Problem Addressed: Spruce Budworm
Key Findings: Fir, the primary host of the budworm, is here to stay and while we may reduce its representation in our stands, it will always be sufficient to provide a food source for the budworm; silvicultural practices may reduce the losses from budworm attack, and can reduce the impact of the budworm on our total production by promoting rapid growth in new stands.
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- Gibbs, Carter B.
Northeastern Forest Experiment Station - Blum, Barton M.
Northeastern Forest Experiment Station
Much has been said and written about the possibility of controlling the spruce budworm by using silviculturally acceptable harvesting and cultural practices. The core of most recommendations has been to reduce the proportion of mature fir by harvesting it and thus to increase the spruce component.
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