Proceedings: Recent Advances in Spruce Fir Utilization Technology
- Corcoran, Thomas J.
College of Forest Resources, University of Maine, Orono
This Conference is addressing the results of CANUSA-funded research to look at all aspects of utilizing spruce-fir, from harvest through processing. The challenge to industry is a complex and difficult one, but one which I believe the industry is capable of meeting. The challenge includes three areas:
1. Industry needs to make effective use of the resulting technology. The pulp and paper industry, the largest user of the spruce-fir resource, hos been doing this. It hos conducted and token advantage of much of the research in this area.
2. Industry has the challenge to use the new information to manage the resources to prevent or lessen shortfalls. Shortfalls in the future can be prevented or lessened by: species substitutions; ensuring suitable reproduction; and managing the resource by forest composition, density, and age.
3. Industry must emphasize integrated pest management. This approach improves forest conditions and reduces the probability of future outbreaks. The effects can be relatively permanent in that they create long-lasting conditions that restrict the increase and spread of potentially injurious insects.
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