Photographic Identification of Individual Fin Whales in the Gulf of Maine
- Agler, Beverly A.
University of Maine
This thesis examines the uses and value of photographic identification of individual fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) based on data from the North Atlantic Fin Whale Catalogue. Individual fin whales within the Gulf of Maine were identified using the shape of the pigment pattern, dorsal fin and acquired scars. Photographs of 537 individual fin whales were contributed by eight organizations. Some 58% of the fin whales in the Catalogue were resighted within the same field season, and 39 % were sighted during morethan one field season. A total of 107 (20%) individuals were resighted in more than one of six regions within the Gulf of Maine.. Of these, only 30 (6%) were sighted in both the northern and southern Gulf of Maine. These photo-identification data from the Gulf ofsix regions within the Gulf of Maine.. Of these, only 30 (6%) were sighted in both the northern and southern Gulf of Maine. These photo-identification data from the Gulf of Maine were evaluated for usefulness in estimating the population parameters of fin whales.
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