How Well Are We Serving Maine’s Outdoor Recreation Public? A Report to the Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation, and Forestry in Support of the 2015-2020 Maine State Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP)
Goal(s)/Objective(s): Generate new baseline data to inform the Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands about what the recreation preferences and needs are for people who live in or visit Maine, identify the factors that influence outdoor recreation participation behavior, determine how Maine State Parks are used and what can be done to improve the experiences and services they provide.
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- Scaccia, Matt D.
University of Maine - De Urioste-Stone, Sandra
University of Maine - Daigle, John
University of Maine
In 2014, the University of Maine partnered with the Bureau of Parks and Lands (BPL) to conduct an online resident survey on outdoor recreation to inform the SCORP planning process. Data collection occurred in April 2014. The survey examined recreational preferences in terms of outdoor recreation activities, amenities, and settings; and Maine State Park use and perceptions of services offered. Participants reported their gender, age, income, education level, and place of residence. The SUS-TAS scale was used to measure resident perceptions on sustainable tourism development.
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