Final Environmental Statement, Cooperative Spruce Budworm Suppression Project–Maine, Vermont, and New Hampshire, 1978
Problem Addressed: Threat of spruce budworm outbreak
Goal(s)/Objective(s): Expected benefits and environmental impacts of various alternatives to deal with infestation
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- USDA Forest Service, Northern Area
- Maine Department of Conservation, Bureau of Forestry
- New Hampshire Department of Resources and Economic Development, Division of Forests and Lands
- Vermont Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation, Forest Resource Protection
Surveys in 1977 indicated that the spruce budworm outbreak threatens the trees on about 2,400,000 acres jn Maine and 18,000 acres in New Hampshire. Unless action is taken to prevent it, considerable tree mortality will occur in 1978. Alternatives considered to deal with the infestation in l978 were: No action, salvage and pre-salvage cutting, suppression of budworm populations with chemical or biological insecticides, silvicultural practices to reduce long-term infestation potential, and accelerated logging.
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