Eastern Spruce Budworm Council: Weekly Report on the Status of Spruce Budworm (And/Or Other Pests) Spray Operations
- Paquet, Gerard
Executive Secretary, Eastern Spruce Budworm Council - Dongtai, Wang
Staff Reporter, China Daily - Egan, Timothy
New York Times - Authier, Philip
Gazette Quebec Bureau - Hamilton, Graeme
The Gazette - Howard, Ross
The Globe and Mail - McKeen, Scott
Staff Writer, The Edmonton Journal - Gagnon, Robert R.
Quebec Ministry of Energy and Resources - Chabot, Michel
Quebec Ministry of Energy and Resources
A packet of information distributed to the Eastern Spruce Budworm Council by Executive Secretary, Gerard Packet. Features:
a) Publication (in French) of the Quebec Department of Energy and Resources about the rules to follow when using microbic insecticides (including an English version of the title, the foreword and the table of contents )
b) Update for 1990 of a publication (in French) of the Quebec Department of Energy and Resources about the budworrn enemy of our forests
c) Paper about "A system to evaluate spruce budworm stand vulnerability: principles and use", by Robert R. Gagnon and Michel Chabot, of the Quebec Department of Energy and Resources
d) Newspaper articles that may be of interest to you
e) April 6, 13 and 20, 1990 issues of the USDA Forest Service (Forest Pest Management) newsletter entitled "Short Subjects and Timely Tips for Pesticide Users"
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