Dry Matter Production in 40-Year-Old Pinus banksiana Stands in Quebec
- Doucet, Rene
Quebec of Lands and Forests - Berglund, John V.
State University of New York, College of Environmental Science and Forestry - Farnsworth, C. Eugene
State University of New York, College of Environmental Science and Forestry
Dry matter production data were obtained for jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) stands growing at three density levels on two site. Regression equations, relating tree weight to diameter and height were calculated for stem wood, stem bark, branches, needles, cones, and total above-ground biomass, as well as for periodic net annual increment of these components. Different sets of equations were needed to evaluate biomass on each site, but density levels within sites could be grouped. Total net periodic annual weight increment was linearly related to foliage weight and basal area, but a leveling-off at higher densities was evident when basal area was replaced by stand density index or bole area equivalent as the measure of density.
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