Community Benefits From Managed Resource Areas
Goal(s)/Objective(s): Develop a theoretically informed measurement instrument for assessing local community members' perceptions of benefits that managed resource areas provide to their communities.
Key Findings: The proposed five-dimensional community benefits measurement instrument exhibited sufficient amounts of reliability, convergent validity, and discriminant validity when applied to five samples from four distinct managed natural resource areas.
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- Smith, Jordan W.
Purdue University - Anderson, Dorothy H.
North Carolina State University - Davenport, Mae A.
University of Minnesota - Leahy, Jessica E
University of Maine
This research develops a theoretically informed measurement instrument for assessing local community members' perceptions of benefits that managed resource areas provide to their communities. We suggest five distinct types of community benefits dominate individuals' perceptions. These community benefits are ecological, economic, quality of life, physical and aesthetic, and social solidarity. We empirically tested the community benefits measurement instrument for construct validity with data collected from five samples of residents living adjacent to four managed resource areas.
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