Cessna Ag-Truck Calibration Trials for the Dispersal of Aqueous Formulations of Bacillus thuringienses kurstaki in Newfoundland 1979
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- Randall, A.P.
Forest Pest Management Institute - Moore, A.
Forest Pest Management Institute - Carter, N.
Department of Forest Resources and Lands - Newfoundland Forestry Bramch
Three different water formulations of Bacillus thuringiensis were tested for rate of flow and droplet spectrum characteristics using a Cessna Ag-truck kitted with twenty no. 8004 and twenty no. 8006 spraying system nozzles. Results of four calibration tests indicated that all formulations flowed through the system, but produced larger spray droplets than the recommended mass median diameter of 9m um. Problem areas in formulations, assessment of spray deoposits, and equipment calibration are discussed
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