CANUSA Newsletter No. 25, November 1982
CANUSA-East Demo Tour
The last week in July brought together a diverse group of CANUSA cooperators, Washington Office personnel, State and Private Forestry people, and New England foresters for a tour of demonstration areas in upstate New York and Vermont. Doug Allen, State University of New York at Syracuse, hosted the first 2 days' visit; Brent Teillon, of Vermont's Division of Forestry, guided the troops through the spruce-fir/hard- wood uplands of his State's Northeast Kingdom. The purpose of the trip was to familiarize us with the operational use of pheromone-baited traps for monitoring budworm moth populations and a pilot test of Bacillus thuringiensis (8.t.) formulations for spruce budworm control. We also took the opportunity to see CANUSA- sponsored studies of the effects of predator exclusion on budworm populations. Management from the eastern component, which organized the trip, also hoped that the local observers would get a better feel for what the CANUSA Program is all about. We knew this objective was going over well when our trip made the 6 o'clock news in Vermont, but more about that later.
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