Spruce Budworm on Ornamentals and Christmas TreesViews: 77Downloads: 0[mrp_rating_result no_rating_results_text="No ratings yet" before_count="(" after_count=" ratings)"]Download Document >>
Aerial Spraying Against the Spruce Budworm in 1973Problem Addressed: Forecast of Conditions in the Martimes Region in 1974Views: 99Downloads: 2[mrp_rating_result no_rating_results_text="No ratings yet" before_count="(" after_count=" ratings)"]Download Document >>
Aerial application of insecticides and the suppression of incipient spruce budworm outbreaksViews: 94Downloads: 0[mrp_rating_result no_rating_results_text="No ratings yet" before_count="(" after_count=" ratings)"]Download Document >>
A synopsis of results of budworm spraying in new brunswick in 1980 and a forecast of infestations and hazard for 1981Views: 73Downloads: 0[mrp_rating_result no_rating_results_text="No ratings yet" before_count="(" after_count=" ratings)"]Download Document >>
SPRUCE BUDWORM SPRAYING PROGRAM, NEWFOUNDLANDViews: 102Downloads: 1[mrp_rating_result no_rating_results_text="No ratings yet" before_count="(" after_count=" ratings)"]Download Document >>
Spruce Budworm Spraying in Maine 1954-1976Views: 266Downloads: 1[mrp_rating_result no_rating_results_text="No ratings yet" before_count="(" after_count=" ratings)"]Download Document >>
Spruce Budworm in Maine, 1910-1976: Infestations and Control.Views: 263Downloads: 1[mrp_rating_result no_rating_results_text="No ratings yet" before_count="(" after_count=" ratings)"]Download Document >>
Spruce Budworm in Maine: 1976Views: 255Downloads: 1[mrp_rating_result no_rating_results_text="No ratings yet" before_count="(" after_count=" ratings)"]Download Document >>
Canada Department of Agriculture, Science Service-Division of Forest Biology: Bi-Monthly progress reportViews: 246Downloads: 0[mrp_rating_result no_rating_results_text="No ratings yet" before_count="(" after_count=" ratings)"]Download Document >>
Inventory of Litter Arthropods and Airborne Insects in Fir Spruce Stand treated with InsecticidesViews: 249Downloads: 0[mrp_rating_result no_rating_results_text="No ratings yet" before_count="(" after_count=" ratings)"]Download Document >>