The Status of the Spruce Budworm in Newfoundland in 1978
- Moody. B.H.
Newfoundland Forest Research Centre - Otvos, Imre S.
Newfoundland Forest Research Centre
This report presents data on the spruce budworm outbreak in 1978 in Newfoundland and Labrador and forecast for 1979. It describes the various sampling methods used to monitor spruce budworm population levels, the effects of natural control agents, the effects of budworm damage on stands, and the methods used to forecast population levels and damage.
In 1978 the extent of current defoliation in the productive forests of the Province declined from a high of about 2.7 million hectares in 1977 to about 1.3 million hectares. Based on egg-mass and hibernacula surveys, it was forecast that moderate to severe defoliation would occur on about 930,000 hectares on the Island. Spruce budworm population levels in Labrador would be low.
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