The Lethal Toxicity of Matacil 1.8 F to Rainbow Trout and its In Vivo Metabolism
- Szeto, S.Y.
Canadian Forestry Service - Holmes, S.B.
Canadian Forestry Service
Fingerling rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri Richardson) were used to determine the lethal toxicity of Matacil 1.8 F and Matacil 1.8 D ready-to-use formulations. The 96-h LCsos were 21.3 mg/l for water-based Matacil 1.8 F; 29.1 mg/l for oil-based Matacil 1.8 F; and 0.36 mg/l for Matacil 1.8 D.
Aminocarb and MA were detected in fish tissue 96 h after exposure. More than 50% of the total residue (Aminocarb + MA) were the parent compound. The bioaccumulation ratio ranged from 1.70 to 3.32 at different concentrations of aminocarb. Both aminocarb and MA were rapidly eliminated after the fish had been transferred to clean water; the total residue declined by more than 90% in 72 h and became non-detectable in 96 h.
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