The Impact of Forest Spraying on Populations of Small Forest Songbirds, Small Mammals and Honey Bees in the Menjou Depot Area of Quebec, 1973
Problem Addressed: Spruce Budworm in Quebec
Key Findings: The application of fenitrothion followed about 10 days later with an application of Matacil caused some mortality amongst those species inhabiting and foraging in exposed habitat.
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- Buckner, C.H.
Chemical Control Research Institute - McLeod, B.B.
Chemical Control Research Institute - Gochnauer, T.A.
Chemical Control Research Institute
Studies of the ecological monitoring team of the Chemical Control Research Institute focused attention to the control operations for spruce budworm, Choristoneura fumiferana (Clem.) in the Menjou Depot Area of Quebec in 1973. The area was treated first with fenitrothion and with Matacil about 10 days later. Bird and mammal populations, subjected to both applications, were not affected by the treatments. Honey bees were subjected only to the Matacil treatment; moderate mortality occurred to the worker force but the hives recovered quickly and no long-term damage ensued.
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