The Effects of Mechanized Harvesting on Site and Soil Conditions in the Spruce Fir Region of North Central Maine
- Holman, Gregory T.
University of Maine Graduate School
The objective of this study was to determine the effects of mechanized harvesting and skidding on site and soil conditions in the spruce-fir region of north-central Maine.
Data were controlled on clearcut strips left from normal harvesting operations as predicted by the Great Northern Paper Company, Millinocket, Maine. A primary study, which noted the effects of seasonal and age interactions of harvesting operations, and a supplementary study, which measured the effects of one overwintering period on site recovery following summer harvesting, were implemented. Site disturbance, soil bulk density, organic pad depth, and surface soil texture analyses were recorded and/or measured. Analysis of variance indicated the differences among skid trail, random cut, and uncut areas associated with harvesting system for each category of season and age of cut.
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