The Effect of Temperature and Moisture on Selected Mechanical Properties of Commercial Oriented Strandboard
- Altiero, Kris A.
University of Maine
This investigation was initiated to examine both the immediate and perm.anent effects of low temperature exposure on certain mechanical properties of structural flakeboard, conditioned to low and high moisture contents. The material evaluated was a commercially manufactured, 7/16- inch, aspen-based oriented strandboard.Test specimens were prepared from five full-sized (4-foot x 8-foot) panels of oriented strandboard. The samples were then randomly selected for exposure at one of three moisture conditions: (a) ambient (5-7 percent moisture content), (b) 12-hour watersoak and (c) 24-hour watersoak. After moisture treatment, specimens from each moisture condition were exposed to one of three temperature conditions: (a) ambient temperature (68-70°F), (b) freezing and (c) freezing-thawing. The freezing treatment consisted of 24 hours of 0°F. The freeze-thaw condition included 24 hours at 0°F followed by 24 hours at room temperature (68-72°F). Mechanical property determination was conducted immediately following the prescribed temperature conditioning. All mechanical properties were evaluated in both the long and cross-panel directions in order to determine the effect of flake alignment. The mechanical properties evaluated included modulus of rupture (MOR), modulus of elasticity (MOE), and compression-shear strength; MOR and MOE were determined using a static bending test, and compression-shear strength was determined from the Minnesota Shear Test apparatus.
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