The Control of Forest Insects in Ontario – 1986
- McGauley, B.H.
Ministry of Natural Resources, Pest Control Section - Nicholson, S.A.
Ministry of Natural Resources, Pest Control Section
In 1986, the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources conducted protection spraying on 735,759 hectares of forested land including parks, wildlife habitat, plantations and seed production areas against the spruce budworm, jack pine budworm and the gypsy moth. This was the largest program ever undertaken in the history of forest insect control in Ontario.
Twenty-four open houses were conducted in an effort to inform forest users and the public about the need for forest protection and the appropriateness of chemical and biological insecticides. In addition, four media briefing sessions involving the Minister were held which demonstrated the Ministry's dedication to this program. The government decision of February 12 to use only biological insecticide in 1986 resulted in the use of approximately 1.5 million litres of the Bacillus thuringiensis (B.t.) products Dipel 132 and Thuricide 48 LV.
Spruce budworm spraying was conducted on 150,633 hectares in the Northwestern, North Central, Northern and Noertheastern Regions. Some 482,032 ha. of jack pine forest were sprayed in the Northwestern, North Central, Northern and Northeastern Regions jack pine budworm. Spraying for the gypsy moth occurred on 45,677 ha. of Crown land and 57,417 ha. of private land in the Eastern Region.
Both fixed wing and helicopter spraycraft were used along with a fleet of navifational aeroplanes. Aircraft were secured from across Canada and the U.S. The total cost of the program approached 30 million dollars.
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