Spruce Budworm Damage Assessment with 35mm Air Photos
- Olson Jr., Charles E.
University of Michigan - Sacks, Patricia J.
University of Michigan - Witter, John A.
University of Michigan - Bergelin, Lisa A.
University of Michigan
This manual was prepared to assist forest managers at all levels in assessing damage and estimating possible future damage due to spruce budworm activity. The techniques described are based on inexpensive 35 mm photographs and are adaptable to a wide variety of forest appraisal needs.
The rating procedure presented provides an index which can be used to rank stands in terms of relative probability of future damage. While the techniques are operational, specific numbers used to calculate Stand Rating Values (p. 28) are preliminary. Local modification is expected. Further interpretations of these index values is facilitated by knowledge of local conditions. Such interpretation is not addressed herein; yet, this manual provides a useful beginning.
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