Silvicultural Problems of Eastern Canada’s Pulpwood Forests as Viewed by an American Forester
- Westveld, Marinus
Northeastern Forest Experiment Station
At the request of your Secretary Forester, I have broadened the scope of my paper to include an overall discussion of spruce-fir silvicultural problems of eastern Canada. However. I do so with a certain amount of hesitancy. I feel my lack of intimate knowledge of the Canadian spruce woods such as can be gained only by long and continued contact with them. However, over the past 20 years, I have made frequent trips to Canada and have had the good fortune to visit some of your experimental areas and to see considerable of forest conditions in your eastern provinces. I am further fortified by the similarity I have observed between the forests of the Northeastern States and those of the maritime provinces and central and southern Newfoundland. Thus silvicultural problems of eastern Canada's spruce-fir forests and those of the Northeastern States are more of less common ones.
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