Relative Abundance of Mammals in Commercially Harvested Forests in Maine
- Monthey, Roger Warren
University of Maine Graduate School
The relative abundance of white-tailed deer (Ocodcoileus virginianus), moose (Alces alces), Snowshoes hare (Lepus americanus), red squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus), and weasel (primarily Mustela erminea) in 3 units of land with differing silvicultural practices in northern Maine was determined by wintering track counts. One 25 km2 unit was approximately 50 percent commercially clearcut with partially cut and uncut stands comprising about 25 and 21 percent of the area, respectively. Study units in an adjacent township included a diameter limit cut area, 7.5 km2, and an uncut control, 10km2. The relative abundance of small mammals (mice, voles, shrews) in clearcuts made in softwoods and uncut softwoods was also determined.
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