Modelling the Dwight B. Demeritt Forest White Pine Harvest Using Woodstock
- Farrell, Elizabeth
University of Maine, School of Forest Resources
The Dwight B. Demeritt Forest is a 1,800 acre working forest used for research and teaching by the
University of Maine’s School of Forest Resources. Located just north of campus, the forest is extensively
used by students and faculty alike and provides revenue to support the management of the University
Forests. Historically, the Demeritt Forest’s financial obligation has been met primarily by harvesting
100,000 board feet (bdft) annually of eastern white pine (Pinus strobus), but the long term sustainability
of this practice has been questioned. With Woodstock, Remsoft’s optimization and modelling software,
the long term effects of this harvesting practice can be evaluated and sustainability can be verified
through models of the harvesting practices over the next 100 years. In this application, sustainability
means that the standing volume of white pine saw timber in period 10 is equal to the standing volume of
white pine saw timber in period zero.
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