Impact of the 1982-1986 jack pine budworm infestation on jack pine in northeastern ontario
- Gross, H.L.
Canadian Forestry Service - Meating, J.H.
Canadian Forestry Service
The jack pine budworm (Choristoneura pinus pinus Free.) infestation that occurred in northeastern Ontario f rom 1982 to 1986 was assessed for its impact on the province's jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) resource. Jack pine stands were monitored to provide a basis for identifying impact estimators to be applied to defoliation maps and timber inventory data. Stand defoliation history was determined by applying geographic information system technology to aerial sketch maps that showed the annual extent and intensity of defoliation. Loss estimators were then programmed and applied to stand growth increment and standing volume data contained in the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources' Forest Resource inventory.
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