Findings Recommendations for Public Review and Comment of the Budworm Policy Review Committee
Date Published: 11/5/1979
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- Barringer, Richard
Maine Department of Conservation - Bartlett, Richard
Great Northern Paper company - Dimond, John
University of Maine - Gardiner, Robert
Natural resources council of Maine - Morton, Richard
Maine Lgeislature - Raisch, Robert
U.S. Forest service - Stowell, Rand
Maine Forest products council
Legislation enacted by the 109th Maine Legislature early in 1979 mandated that the commissioner of the department of conservation present to the legislature by January 1, 1980, his recommendations for future spruce budworm control policy in Maine, and draft legislation to implement them. (Chapter 69, section 7, of the public laws of 1979. The findings and recommendations which follow are the result of the Committee's deliberations. Together with the public comments and reactions to them, they will be considered by the Commissioner in making his final recommendations to the Legislature.
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