Efficacy of Orthene Forest Spray, Dylox 4, and Sevin 4 oil in Controlling Spruce Budworm
Date Published: 6/1978
Problem Addressed: A pilot control project in Maine
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- Ford, Robert P
Northeastern Area State and Private Forestry, USFS
Our objective was to determine, in terms of budworm population reduction and foliage saved, the efficacy of single aerial applications of:
8 ounces active acephate ( Orthene Forest Spray) in water to make 0.5 gallons/acre
12 ounces active trichlorfon (Dylox 4) in alcohol (Hi-Sol 4,5T(R)) to make one quart/acre.
12 ounces active carbaryl (Sevin 4 Oil) in kerosene to make one quart acre.
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