Data Report: Spray Deposit Data from 1976 Maine Spruce Budworm Operational Control Project
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- Barry, John W
USFS Forest Insect & Disease Management Methods Application Group - Ciesla, William M
USFS Forest Insect & Disease Management Methods Application Group - Ford, Robert
USFS Forest Insect & Disease Management Methods Application Group - Luebbe, Ray
USFS Forest Insect & Disease Management Methods Application Group - Whitcombe, Lynne
USFS Forest Insect & Disease Management Methods Application Group - Young, Robert W
USFS Forest Insect & Disease Management Methods Application Group
This data report presents the spray deposit data from that portion of the 1976 Maine spruce budworm operational council control project, which compared 3/4 lb and 1 lb of sevin-4 oil insecticide. Data in this report includes the following: (a) tables of mortality and defoliation means, (b) summary table of spray recovery as a function of the application rate, (c) summary table of spray recovery as a function of volume median diameter and drops per square centimeter, (d) plot of spray deposit as a function of insect mortality and tree defoliation by spray block, and (e) plots of canopy penetration by spray block.
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