Comments o the Draft Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (DPEIS) for 1981-1985 Budworm Program in Maine
Problem Addressed: Spruce budworm programs
Goal(s)/Objective(s): Explain differences between the 1980 EIS and the 1981-85 DPEIS.
Key Findings: The DPEIS should have included figures estimating such funding so that the public would understand that the landowners are getting significant assistance even without funding for insecticides.
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- Lansky, A.M.
The differences between the 1980 EIS and the 1981-85 DPEIS are not very great, the major one being that the latter is for 5 years while the former was just for one. They both claim to be "IPM" programs. Yet the US Forest Service decided that subsidizing the use of chemical insecticides was inappropriate in 1980, but will be appropriate in 1981-85. The differences should be looked at and the basic arguments should be examined to see why the USFS changed its mind.
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