Brook Trout Population Study on Zectran Sprayed Area 1967
Problem Addressed: Spruce budworm control
Goal(s)/Objective(s): Determine effectiveness of Zectran for control of the spruce budworm, and effects on trout populations.
Key Findings: The application of Zectran at 0.15 pounds per acre appears to have had no immediate adverse affects on the trout populations in the sample sections.
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- Warner, Kendall
Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Game
On June 19, 1967, the U.S. Forest Service in cooperation with the Maine Forest Service sprayed an experimental 500-acre plot in T10-R6, Aroostook County, with Zectran to determine the effectiveness of the chemical for control of the spruce budworm. Zectran was applied by helicopter at the rate of 0.15 pounds (active ingredient) per acre. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service carried out studies to evaluate the effects of Zectran on fish, aquatic insects, and birds. Fishery Division personnel worked cooperatively with Federal Fishery Biologist Joseph A. Yovino on a small brook in the experimental are to determine the effects of Zectran on trout populations.
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