Brook Trout Studies in the Icewater Creek Watershed
Problem Addressed: Insecticides effecting the environment
Goal(s)/Objective(s): Examine in-depth a number of aquatic and terrestrial habitats and micro-habitats and their resident animal populations to determine the nature and degree of inherent risk, the level of actual exposure, and the actual response to forest pest management strategies involving aerial applications of pest control agents.
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- Kreutizweiser, D.P.
Canadian Forestry Service - Kingsbury, P.D.
Canadian Forestry Service - Holmes, S.B.
Canadian Forestry Service
In 1980, the Environmental Impact Section of the Forest Pest Management Institute (FPMI), though the cooperation of the Sault Ste. Marie District Office of the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, set up an ongoing research program in the Icewater Creek watershed about 50 km north of Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. The objective of this programme is: to examine in-depth a number of aquatic and terrestrial habitats and micro-habitats and their resident animal populations to determine: (1) the nature and degree of inherent risk, (2) the level of actual exposure, and (3) actual response to forest pest management strategies involving aerial applications of pest control agents.
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