Assessing the Potential Effects of Changes in Climate on the Range and Longterm Persistence of the Mink Frog, Lithobates Septentrionalis, in the Northern Forest
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- Patrick, David A.
Assistant Professor of Fisheries and Wildlife Science and Director of the Center for Adirondack Biodiversity.
Based on the life-history characteristics of the Mink Frog, Lithobates septentrionalis, populations in the Northern Forest (hereafter “NF”) are likely to be highly threatened by climate change. Our goal was to evaluate the effects of climate change on the range and persistence of the Mink Frog in the NF. Specific objectives included: (1) Understanding how changes in water temperature and dissolved oxygen (DO) influence egg and larval survival; (2) establishing the current occurrence of this species in the NF; and (3) integrating data with an existing model predicting the distribution of Mink Frog in the NF.
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