A Suggested Program for Meeting a Possible Spruce Budworm Outbreak in Maine
- Peirson, H.B.
Maine State Entomologist
The serious Spruce Budworm outbreak which developed in Ontario about 1935 has now become prevalent over an extensive area reaching well into Quebec with collections being made as far east as Lake St. John. Intensive recent surveys in Maine have failed to show more than a few individual specimens. The present Quebec infestation may spread into Maine or individual outbreaks may occur in areas where there is an abundance of mature fir. Preparations should be started at this time to do everything possible to forestall or lighten any possible outbreak. Considerable research and study are essential in connection with the budworm, its parasites, and possible control through forest management. Some of this work can well be started here in Maine, other phases will have to be handled in areas where the budworm is present.
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