A Study of the Market for the Balsam Fir Dimension Lumber in the Twin Cities
Problem Addressed: Utilization of balsam fir
Goal(s)/Objective(s): Determine an estimate of the current market share of balsam fir in the Twin Cities markets and to obtain information concerning the opinions and attitudes of retail yard owner/managers.
Key Findings: The biggest hurdles to overcome for increased market share of balsam fir in the Twin Cities' dimension lumber market are a lack of knowledge and familiarity with the species on the part of retailers and large order customers, and the real or perceived supply instabilities.
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- Govett, Robert L.
University of Minnesota - Sinclair, Steven A.
University of Minnesota
The potential for increased utilization of balsam fir (Abies balsamea [L.] Mill.) in the production of dimension lumber is being examined at the University of Minnesota's Department of Forest Products. Some of the reasons for interest in the increased utilization of balsam fir are detailed in the article Potential Lumber Grade Yields from Balsam Fir and Spruce Budworm Killed Balsam Fir (Sinclair, Govett, Bowyer, 1981) in the April-May issue of the Timber Bulletin. Relatively high potential grade yields for the species, among other factors, make balsam fir an attractive candidate for increased utilization as dimension lumber.
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