A Revised Nomenclature of Forest Humus Layers for the Northeastern United States
- Heiberg, S.O.
New York State College of Forestry - Chandler, Jr. R.F.
Cornell University
Early in June 1939, a conference of soil scientists and foresters was called at Petersham, Massachusetts, for the exchange of views on the soil as a factor in forest practice. The humus layer problem was among those discussed, and it was pointed out that changes in nomenclature made it impossible to turn to any single publication as a reference on forest humus layers. It was agreed that an up-to-date descriptive summary of the frequently occurring humus layer tires of the Northeast would be helpful, and that such should be published so as to be available for distribution to soil surveyors. In order to secure action on this problem, a committee was appointed to draw up such an article. The material which follows is the result of this committee's action. An attempt has been made to describe the various types in sufficient detail to enable the soil surveyor to recognize these types in the field without the assistance of one experienced in their identification. No new material is given, but rather that which has been published is coordinated and unified.
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