Variables Influencing Nest Success of Eastern Wild Turkeys in Connecticut Nesting Habitat Home Range Scale Fragmentation and Nest Attentiveness
- Spohr, Shelley M.
University of Maine Graduate School
Nest success is the most important demographic parameter influencing rates of population change of eastern wild turkeys (meleagris gallopavo silvestris) and many variables operating at multiple spatial and temporal scales may influence whether a nest is successful. Most studies of nest success and survival of turkeys have occurred in forested or agricultural landscapes, variables influencing nest success have not been studied in suburban landscapes. My objectives were to: 1) quantify survival and reproductive parameters of eastern wild turkey hens in the suburban environment of southeastern Connecticut and compare results to studies conducted in other northeastern states; 2) determine which within patch- and within home range-scale variables were most important in determining the success of turkey nests, and 3) quantify nest attentiveness of hens.
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