The Life History and Behavior of Saperda Inorata and Obera Schaumi (Coleoptera cerambycidae) in Trembling Aspen
Date Published: 1968
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- Nord, John Charles
University of Michigan
This study was the first in a series of studies of two cerambycid beetles, Saperda inorata say and Oberea schaumii LeConte, which live in twigs and small stems of trembling aspen. The primary objective was to document their life history and behavior as a basis for succeeding studies dealing primarily with their population dynamics. Secondary objectives were to determine the importance of injuries caused by these borers as infection courts of canker causing fungi, such as Hpoxylon purinatum (Klotzsche) Cke., and to determine the correlation between abundance of the borers and site-quality of trembling aspen.
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