The Export of Forest Products from the United States to the European Community
- Fergusson, Kenneth E.
University of Maine
[A contemporaneous review of the situation in the export trade of forest products from the United States to the European Community in the 1980s.] There has been an increase in the levels of integration and interdependence seen in the world economy and the international forest products markets. The United States is presently in a position to expand its exporting base with the European Community. The recent moves towards the liberalization of the E.C. markets through the passing of legislation which will largely be in operation by 1992 has sparked interest in the future of this, the world's largest trading bloc. The E.C. currently imports over half of its wood requirements and the volume required in the future is predicted to increase at a faster rate than can be met by home grown demands. The paper breaks down some of the idiosyncrasies of the E.C. and attempts to provide an insight to likely future scenarios of the E.C. as a market for U.S. forest products.
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