The Effects of Mandatory Continuing Education on Practice Quality and Competency of Professional Land Surveyors
- Vannozzi, Anthony Richard
University of Maine Graduate School
Mandatory Continuing Education (MCE) has always been a "hot button" topic in the professions and land surveying is no exception. Though most other professions (i.e. medicine, education, accountancy, dentistry, nursing, etc.) have included scientifically based research as part of their debate on whether to make continuing education mandatory, no empirical studies in land surveying were found. Though the land surveying literature is replete with anecdotal discussions on the topic, (commentaries, editorials, policy statements, magazine articles, etc.), and tremendous energy is being expended within the land surveying profession in debating and making decisions regarding the MCE issue, the lack of hard research has necessitated that all needs for such research be met by borrowing from other professions.
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