The Ecological Effects of Intensive Forest Management with Specific Reference to Atlantic, Canada, Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont, New Hampshire and Vermont: A Selected Annotated Biography
- Parker, Gerry
The original objective of this literature review was to compile references relative to the ecological impacts of pre-commercial thinning and the development of conifer plantations in Atlantic Canada, Quebec and Ontario and several of the northeastern states, specifically Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont. It soon became apparent that literature specific to those concerns for the prescribed spatial constraints was not abundant. Within the context that this exercise was to provide a product useful to J.D. Irving Forest Research Advisory Committee (FRAC) for its mandate of identifying questions important to sustainable forestry management on free-hold lands in New Brunswick, and from those questions to develop a research agenda to help in achieving sustainable management, the author broadened the parameters of that original objective. The defined but limited scope of the original objective was not lost, but rather expanded to include other forestry wildlife topics which can be referred to when FRAC develops a broadened research agenda to address questions beyond the limits of the original objective.
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