Studies on Dipterous Parasites of the Spruce Budworm, V. Omotoma Fumiferanae (TOT.) (Diptera: Tachinidae)
- Coppel, H.C.
Div of Entomology, Dept of Agriculture, Ottawa, Canada - Smith, B.C.
Dept of Entomology, Belleville, Ontario
Omoloma fumiferanae (To.), a parasite of a small number if Lepidoptera in North America and the most common of the native tachinid parasites of Chorsitoneura fumiferana (Clem.) in British Columbia, deposits macrotype eggs on the integument of the host. The time from oviposition (on a host about to pupate) to puparial formation was 8 to 12 days mat 23 C. and relative humidity of 60%. Approximately 25% of puparia produce adults the same year. The fate of these adults is not yet known. The reminder if the puparia produce adults the following spring. Among the important characters for identifying the immature stages of O. fumiferane are the buccopharyngeal apparatus and the anterior and posterior spiracles.
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