Reforestation of a Burn in Eastern Maine by Direct Seeding White Spruce
- Carr, Bernard W.
University of Maine Graduate School
Reforestation of the Farm Cove Mountain Burn, a 346 acre area in Township [ 6 N.D., Washington county, Maine, burned over by a wildfire in June 1965, was initiated by direct seeding white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss.) in the fall of 1966. White spruce seed was broadcast sown on the burn in October 1966 at a rate of 0.681 pounds (76,600 viable seeds) per acre from a Brohm aerial seeder mounted on a n47D-l Bell helicopter. In August 1967, counts were made of the white spruce seedlings on Paired one-tenth milacre circular plots located systematically at intervals of 33 feet along lines spaced at 360 feet apart across the burn. Based on the fist year regeneration survey, an average of 2826 seedlings per acre was established in August 1967 with an average milacre stocking of 72 percent.
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