Physical and Mechanical Properties of Composite Based Particleboard Panels
- Rourke, Robert C.
University of Maine Graduate School
An investigation was conducted to evaluate the physical and mechanical properties of formed particleboard panel material and to compare these properties with those of a standard structural board product, Douglas-fir plywood. This composite panel was composed of continuous and discontinuous ribs which formed a series of alternate-facing, isometrically-triangular voids, with a particleboard core and a flakeboard face. The product has been termed isogrid board, on the basis of the core configuration.
The experimental panels were prepared in the laboratory from hammer milled spruce (Picea, spp.) and white pine (Pinus strobus, L.) planer shavings and spruce flakes. Samples from these panels were compared to similar plywood samples in flat compression, edge compression and bending. Experimental panels were also compared to plywood in regard to thermal transmission characteristics during two weeks in February of 1980. The composite panel was examined at various locations for variations in density.
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